Have you ever showed up to the poll on election day and discovered you’re at the wrong place? Or found out, on election day, that you were actually registered to vote in a different county and need to high-tail it over there if you want to cast your ballot?
Me either, of course. I would never be that unprepared.
Well, said damsel could have saved herself a lot of trouble by taking a few seconds to check the site CanIVote.org. From the site, she could have:
- Found out if she was registered to vote
- Found information on registering to vote
- Looked up the polling location of her precinct (ding! ding!)
- Found out what ID she needed to take
- Found information on absentee and early voting
- Found information on the candidates (a nice alternative to the drivel of television coverage, if slightly oversimplified)
Okay, damsel aside.
CanIVote directs you to the desired information at the state level (since information varies by state), which may not be the most user-friendly. Click around a bit, though, and you’re bound to find what you’re looking for. For Texas, I found the best information upon clicking through to the county site.
The deadline to register to vote in the upcoming election is a week from today: Tuesday, October 9. So take a minute to check on your status and polling location today (and make a note of it on your calendar) so that election day can be spent watching CNN roll out a new hologram instead of driving home from a faraway poll.
And Pass the Word!
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Good to know information. Will spread the info at the college. Thanks Amber
It didn’t work for me… 😛
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