This week I’ve been battling a bit of Beiruti Belly, an invisible ailment brought on by some bionic bacteria in the water here, making itself known through a cycle of stabbing stomach pains, massive stomach gurgling, and then, um, a severe toilet experience.
The first time I had it I was on my back for 5 days straight. (Well, when I wasn’t on the toilet, that is.) After that first time it just kind of comes and goes as my body adjusts to its new normal.
Don’t feel sorry for me, though. I not-so-secretly love sick days, which are some of the only times I allow to binge-watch whatever I want and all-around indulge myself in whatever I feel like. It makes the misery a sweet one. I fancy myself Lewis-esque in this respect (liking sick days), though he made much better use of his time in bed than I do as he was a better chap all-around and also without an iPhone.
How do you feel about sick days? Love? Hate? It’s complicated?
Anyway, here are some goodies from the web this week:
A person “being born” into something doesn’t make their thoughts irrelevant, even if that thing is privilege.
Where we go wrong with expectations, and how we might go right instead.
Lovely editions for book shelves (though of course I’m partial to these from my friend Dana).
Several failed female reading groups (non-fiction) have me wondering if this might be a good alternative.
Also from Joanna, 12 Words Even Smart People Get Wrong. (Yes, you want to read it.)
Life will never be “balanced.” Instead of worrying about that, consider thinking about it like this.
And in case you’re wondering, mosquito traps like this are a total waste of time.
Hope you’re having a great weekend!
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