photos by Trey Hill
When I decided to explore humanity this month, I knew immediately I wanted to introduce you to two photographer friends of ours who “catch the wind” of this life regularly and invite other sojourners to see.
Today, I’d like you meet Trey. Later this month I hope to share with you his thoughts on seeing and sharing humanity (because they’re good, friends, soooo good), but today I’m inviting you view Dark to Dawn, his gallery show from this past week (digitally, of course), and breathe deep its breath. The images are from his time spent all over the globe walking in the footsteps of this organization, and they are well worth the wander.
These words from yesterday’s quote echo in my mind…
“In the history of the world, how many men and women have lived? How many moments have been seen?…”
Spend time see-ing life in the gallery. Imagine to yourself – I mean, really pause to imagine – what the eyes in these photographs have seen.
More and more I find myself a person of inaction where I have opportunity to be a person of action. When I imagine to what the poorest eyes could testify or the leper’s soul might spill, I flinch. I shrink back. I pull away. Tapping the next app is much easier than letting a miserable image hang in my mind. But if I gave it just a moment longer… who might I become instead?
I’ve included here only two photos among dozens because I hope you’ll take a closer look. (And yes, they’re available for purchase.) Wander through the gallery and let yourself marvel. Insert parentheses in whatever you’re doing this hour and spend five or ten minutes letting the living speak to you.
Don’t forget to tell me what they said.
(Check out more of Trey’s work here, and stop by his blog long enough to read this post which reflects on our visit to a teensie Omani village. Oh, and don’t miss his instagram feed, either.)
This post is part of this month’s humanity series.
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