Welcome to day ten of this Exploring Humanity series. If you’re a subscriber, you’ve now seen something from me every. single. day. For a week and a half. That’s a lot, friends. For both of us.
As I wander the path of this series, I’m seeing things differently than I did at the beginning. Human things, certainly, but also things about the series itself.
I thought writing about Humanity for a month would provide room to explore all sorts of things I’ve wanted to reflect on and write about for a long time now. Stories from years past, introductions to great people, realizations born of indian sitting rooms and arabian weddings. And while 31 days in a row certainly provides room, it doesn’t exactly provide breathingĂ‚Â room. And I’m seeing that they deserve it. And that I may have to wait.
Furthermore, I’m already forcing on you four times your regular dose of me. If every dose was a doozie, where would we be? Comatose, I’m pretty sure. And I mean all of us.
With that in mind, I’m decidedly directing the series toward smaller bits. Bits of things beautiful, human, and humanitarian. This isn’t much of a change, really; most of the series has been smaller bits already. But it’s a change for my intention of the series. I do hope to dive deeper here and there, but not so regularly that we’re all gasping for air.
This all parallels a larger reality I always need to be reminded of: Things never go like I think they will. Not because things go wrong, but because I’m not such an accurate predictor of the future.
And just like a coach needs to assess the unfolding game and adjust as necessary, it’s best for me to see what is actually unfolding in my life and maneuver accordingly.
Like all the best adventures, right?
This post is part of this month’s Exploring Humanity series.
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