Last month’s reading check-in reminded me that, while I have been reading rather regularly, I hadn’t yet made progress on my sub-goals. Oops. That’s why regular reviews are helpful, I guess.
This month I began remedying this, starting two books that qualify as “nagging books.” Now I just need to make a little progress. No matter. Onward! Here’s what I’ve been reading since last month’s check-in:
The Fault in Our Stars, John Green
I’m late to the party, I know. But I love love loved being swept away by the humanity in these characters. It was easily my favorite contemporary non-series read in a long time. I’d say more, but you should read it, and I don’t want to tell anymore than you’ve already heard.
The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis
This is one of the few primary Lewis books I still hadn’t read. I enjoyed it, but because it took me a bit to get the hang of what was going on, I’ll be re-reading it. Recommended. (But don’t skip the preface.)
Immortal Poets, Christopher Burns
I’ve wanted to read more poetry for a while now, but where to begin? I decided to begin with this well-reviewed anthology and was happily surprised to discover the poets are arranged in historical order with helpful introductions throughout. Just what I was looking for.
Divine Conspiracy, Dallas Willard
Another one from my nagging list, it was undeniably time to pick this one up again (on the first read I had to stop to let the ideas soak about 90 pages in and never picked it back up). A modern classic, Willard critiques contemporary Christianity and aims to reorient it with an alternate paradigm. Yes. Yes. and YES.
What have you been reading? Share in the comments, or join the link-up!
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I’m surprised you had not previously read The Great Divorce considering you’re an avid fan of C.S.! It’s probably actually one of my all time favorites (all in all and by him). I need to read it again 🙂
I know, it’s a little weird. Though I’ve read several minor works, somehow The Great Divorce had slipped through the cracks. Another surprise? I (gasp!) haven’t read the final Narnia book, either.
I’m intrigued that TGD is your favorite; I’ll have to hear more about that sometime. I can’t say it makes my top 10 (yet). I’d love to hear what causes you to love it so!