August passed in a flash. Due to the Islamic holidays, the dude was off or had reduced hours for much of the month, and we’ve been playing and creating and task-doing.
I spent a lot of time teaching myself HTML, CSS, and PHP in hopes that I can starting make web-stuff look like I want it to. The dude spent a lot of time working on illustrations for a new project and fit in a couple of surf trips. And, yeah, he surfed with sea turtles. SEA TURTLES!!!
We celebrated our anniversary by ordering in from our favorite nearby restaurant and trying our hand at Mint Juleps. Then we got up at 2 am with our snack sacks to find a place to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower. We had a staycation, watched several movies (including the new Batman), and staged our first “hackathon”. (Note: no hacking involved. We’re way not smart enough for that. It was actually more of a create-a-thon.)
All in all, it’s been a great month. In honor of which I present to you… My Favorite Things from August. In no particular order. Except I think the last one is really my favorite.
30 Days of GOOD
30 Days of GOOD is a new find for me. I’ve only just heard of it, though apparently they do one each month. In August, GOOD is posting a new something-to-learn each day. Kind of a Back-to-School sort of thing. I’m a sucker for learning-resources and these have been surprisingly, well, GOOD. You might have seen some of these already if you’ve been following on the Facebook page.
They’ve had great suggestions for learning everything from Geography and Home Economics to First Aid and Presidents. My personal favorite? Go On a Field Trip.
John Adams
John Adams is an HBO miniseries about… wait for it… John Adams. I am pretty wary of HBO productions since I prefer people to be clothed on TV, but having heard great things about this one and being relatively certain that this was more Band of Brothers than Rome, we decided to give it a shot. We’re two episodes in and LOVE it. A well-told story gives me a better grasp on the past, and in that respect this one does not disappoint. (Have you seen John Adams? What did you think? and no spoilers, please :))
Indian Food
That favorite restaurant I mentioned before… you know, the one we ordered from on our anniversary? It’s called “Food House”. I’m telling you, there is no end to the creative naming around here. [Read more…]