around here…
I’ve sloooowwwwly been catching up from my stateside stint. Yes, I’ve been home for a few weeks already. But I don’t do catching up very well. Aside from that, we’ve been working on the business (me) and new illustrations (B), and breaking from that with lots of Reign.
In other news, the 100 day countdown has begun. In 100 days, I will leave the desert. Happy girl, here. Happy. Girl.
around the web…
These gems found me this week. Were they published in the same period? It’s unlikely. But surely you know by now how little I keep up with. Luckily, awesomeness knows no expiration date.
Your Husband Doesn’t Have to Earn Your Respect :: I like hearing a guy talk about this.
And the imaginary Kate and William conversation at the end of this article killed me.
Also, a friend sent me this. (Thanks, Katie.)
on my mind…
As I mentioned Wednesday, I’m reading (well, listening to) the Bible during Lent this year. I’m continually astounded at how much life here is like Old Testament life. Camels at wells in the desert? Tent-pitchers? Betrothals to people you’ve never seen and highest honors for guests you’ve never met? All alive and well. And it makes reading the Bible so much more alive. (And well.)
and close at hand…
- This Reign Playlist (on Spotify)
- American M&Ms (A moment of silence, please, for the Sams-sized m&ms bag laying empty beside me. One hundred days, self. Just 100 days.)
- My mac hack of the week, cmd + plus/minus (+/-). That’s bizarrely challenging to communicate in a sentence. But I’ve been using it on so many websites lately when the text is too small, or the page too big… it’s pretty great.
and just for kicks… here’s what that camel looks like up close. Aren’t they goofy?
What about you? What was notable in your week?