What are you up to this weekend? We’ve been cleaning and preparing for guests, and continuing our annual Harry-Potter-a-thon with Order of the Phoenix. We also may have eaten too many cookies.
So there’s this Personality Test making the Facebook rounds; have you seen it? Personality tests are stale news, but there’s still something funny about them nailing your flaws like they’ve got some hidden camera fixed on your everyday life. Leaving out the complimentary bits, here’s how the test described my personality complications. Apparently people like me,
…have little interest in everyday concerns – they are always a little like an “absent-minded professor†whose home and workplace are chaotic and who only concerns himself with banalities such as bodily needs when it becomes absolutely unavoidable. The acknowledgement of their work by others does not play a great role for them; in general,they are quite independent of social relationships and very self-reliant. [They] therefore often give others the impression that they are arrogant or snobby – especially because they do not hesitate to speak their mind with their often harsh (even if justified) criticism and their imperturbable self-confidence. Incompetent contemporaries do not have it easy with them.
…Constant social obligations quickly get on their nerves; they need a lot of time alone and often withdraw from others. Their partner must respect this and understand that this is not due to the lack of affection. Once they have decided in favour of a person, [they] are loyal and reliable partners. However, one cannot expect romance and effusive expressions of feelings from them and they will definitely forget their wedding anniversary.
This cracked me up. I wanted to argue with the absent-minded-professor bit, of course, until I read a littler further… Home and workplace chaotic? Only concerns himself with banalities when it becomes absolutely unavoidable? Uhhh… UHHH……I found myself stalling a reply like Fat Amy in Pitch Perfect when asked why she has Bumper’s number.
Just for the record, I DO remember my anniversary. But I’ll always forget your birthday, and I apologize ahead of time.
Have you taken the personality inventory? What’d you think?
In other news… our X-Factor favorites won! I’ve been crushing on them Civil-Wars-style since their first audition, and while their cover of Say My Name (which they sung to a Destiny’s-Child-member judge) is pretty killer, it’s this performance that has had me continuously contemplating life-and-art these past few days. I just love these kids.
And of course, a few things I loved from around the web:
- Joanna Goddard at Cup of Jo apparently has the same appreciation of the digital fireplace I do.
- This reminder from Tsh at Art of Simple that I should consider a few money bits this time of year
- Kinfolk’s Hot Toddy History
- This email from the Storyline blog newsletter about Being Memorable (Spoiler: Bill Murray is memorable. Also, you should get this newsletter)
And here’s a random mac tip for the week (if you’ve been reading this far you surely deserve a reward, right?):
You can isolate the program you’re working in (and close all the other application windows) by bringing the program you’re working in to the front and pressing cmd + opt + H. You can also press cmd + option and click the desired app on your dock. Voilà ! Clean workspace!
Have a restful Weekly End!